Sunday, October 17, 2010

LS, MS, and CU

There are three types of shots: long shot (LS), medium shot (MS), and close up (CU). An example of all three can be seen in Chris Columbus’ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was a highly anticipated movie at the time it was release. There was a very anxious audience awaiting its release. The movie did well, exceeding many expectations. The movie was shot wonderfully, and used various kinds of shots including LS, MS, and CU.

The long shot is also known as the orientation shot, because it gives and overview of the place and whose there. The image below is an example of a long shot, as it depicts the entire overview of Hogwarts during Christmas and shows who is left (which is not many people, as the majority of them went home for the holidays). Harry Potter is amongst the few left for Christmas, because he doesn’t have a family to go back to. The long shot is often associated with sadness, loneliness, and isolation. This particular long shot evokes these feelings, as the long shot shows the few number of people left for the holidays, and Harry is among them. This particular shot can depict Harry’s sadness, loneliness, and isolation.

The second type of shot is the medium shot (MS). The medium shot gives the viewer relationship information. These shots are usually common in television, but can often be seen in movies as well. An example of the medium shot can also be seen in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This particular shot shows three best friends, Hermione, Ron, and Harry, and their intense bonds of friendship. It is evident that these three are best friends, because they walk to close and comfortably together. The three of them walking together gives us a lot of visual information. Notice how Harry is ahead of Ron and Hermione. This indicates that Harry is the leader of the group. He is the one who is taking charge, because the shot shows Ron and Hermione following his lead. Also notice how Hermione is the farthest back. This can possibly indicate that Hermione is possibly the most susceptible to danger, and that Ron and Harry will protect her.

The third type of shot in the close up (CU). The close up often gives us emotional information. An example of a close up can also be seen in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This particular shot is a close up of Harry Potter holding his wand for the very first time. The close up gives us strong emotional information about Harry Potter, as we can see the awe in his facial expression and the power of the wand. The close up tells us about the intense connection Harry has with the wand.

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