Saturday, October 2, 2010

"All in the Family" vs "Two and a Half Men"

“All in the Family” was a popular comedic television series of the 1970’s. The series dealt with controversial issues, such as homosexuality and racism. The series can be compared and contrasted  to the contemporary television series, “Two and a Half Men”. The main character of “All in the Family”, Archie Bunker, is a questionable yet comedic character, because of his use obscene language and his impertinent nature. He is similar to Charlie, the main character of “Two and a Half men”, who has a similar witty nature and personality. Both characters aim to make their audience laugh by addressing controversial topics and mocking tense subjects. For instance, the episode of “All in the Family” we watched last Thursday dealt with the subject of homosexuality. Archie mocked homosexuals and constantly made fun of them. He addressed a very controversial topic, and made a mockery out the concept of being a homosexual. The show “Two and a Half Men” too deals with controversial issues for a television series, such a sexuality.  Charlie is constantly hitting on woman and bringing women and stresses on the sexual nature of relationships. Both television series deal with real life issues, but address them with a comedic edge. Although, contemporary television series are more neutral when it comes to tense subjects such as homosexuality, as they aim to please all audiences and don’t want to offend anyone. This wasn’t a concept that was taken into consideration during the early 1970’s, when such shows as “All in the Family” were extremely popular.

The series “All in the Family” and “Two and a Half Men” differ in many aspects as well. For instance, we can look at the family structure of both shows. “All in the Family” represents your typical and average American family of the 1970’s, that consists of a mother, father, their daughter and her husband. Times have changed and this is no longer the typical American family. More and more we are finding interracial couples, couples of same sexes, and even single parents.“Two and a Half Men” represents a family structure that is more popular today. This consists of a divorcee, his son, and his brother. Both shows reflect the time periods the were aired during and popular issues during those times. The shows “All in the Family” and “Two and a Half Men” are similar and different and similar in many aspects, but basically represent the decades in which they were aired.

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