Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social Learning Theory

The social learning theory is very important, as it takes a look at the effects of mass media. According to Straubhaar, the social learning theory explains media effects in terms of imitating behavior seen in the media. In other words, the theory takes a look at how people can learn by observing behavior seen in the media, and then, imitating it. This theory indicates the immense influence the media can have on individuals, as the media alters our beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and values. We as individuals are vulnerable to the media, as it unknowingly alters the way we think. Our minds as teenagers and college students are easily altered and influenced by the media. For instance, if we hear hype about a certain movie and that it was “so cool!” and “awesome!”, we as individuals believe that we have to go see the movie, because everyone else loved it. According to the social learning theory, our minds are easily influenced by the media, as we observe it, and then go on to imitate what we see.

I believe that the concept of the social learning theory helps me understand the impacts of movie trailers, as they can easily influence an individuals opinion about a movie, and urge or discourage an individual to go see the movie. As I mentioned before, we are easily compelled or discouraged to go see a movie once we hear the opinions of others. Movie trailers are basically composed by the best reviews, comments, and scenes, and are morphed into a 30 second trailer that compels us to go watch the movie. It’s funny how a bunch of intense scenes, combined with the right music can influence us to go see a movie. Take for example the trailer for the movie Slumdog Millionaire. The trailer begins with the flashes of the best reviews and awards the movie scored from various awarders and reviewers, encouraging us to go out and see the movie, because so many good things were said about it. The trailer shows various clips from the movie, showing enough about the plot of the movie to intrigue the viewer, but not enough the reveal the whole movie. According to the social learning theory, the movie trailer pulls the viewer in, and influences us to go out and see the movie.

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